A charge delivered into the House of Peers upon Wednesday last, by Major Huntington, against Lieu. Gen. Cromwel, and Commissary Generall Ireton, concerning the Kings Majesty. With His Majesties speech to the commissioners from Scotland, and his resolution to lose his life, rather then to yeald to what is contrary. And his oath and covenant to all his liege people within his relame and dominions, at the conclusion of a safe and well-grounded peace. Likewise, Prince Charles his message to the citizens of London; and his desires to the said city, touching His Royall Father the King presented to both Houses of Parliament. Also, the Parliaments message for peace, and thier humble desires to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; ordered to be sent by the Earle of Middlesex, Sir John Hipsley, and Mr. Bulkley

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for G. Wharton MDCXLVIII. 1648 England, Imprinted at London [2], 6 sidor.